What is float therapy?

Flotation therapy is a sixty to ninety minute experience in which you float in water that has been mixed with 2000 pounds pure Epsom salt to achieve a sensation of weightlessness.

The flotation takes place in a roomy but enclosed pod 4 foot wide and 8 foot long that is peaceful, dark, and keeps the water at a consistent ninety-five degrees to match your body temperature.

These measures are taken to ensure complete sensory deprivation and promote potential improvements in your mental and physical wellbeing.

What if I am claustrophobic?

So many of us look at that picture and think that seems tight, but pictures are deceiving! The space inside is roomy. The lid is set to be closed to wherever the participant prefers and can be adjusted anytime through the session. There is a light that can be controlled with the touch of a button.

Even when the pod is completely closed it feels incredibly spacious and when the lights are off it feels endless. You are welcome to see the pod before entering to see if you have any reservations. We assure you that once you are in you will want to drift right to sleep. Yes, you can sleep in them!

How is the float pod cleaned?

Between every float experience the pod runs through a filtration cycle of 15-30 minutes. This includes a UV light disinfection, a filter that can filter contaminates of above 10 microns, and Hydrogen Peroxide at a 35% concentration solution. And that is just the filter! Between floats we also wipe down the pod and the space.

Daily we check chemical levels, pH, specific gravity, and water levels.

We value a clean space that allows the participant to enjoy a worry free experience!

How many pods do you have?

We have one float pod. It is large enough to float 2 people and we have had couples float together. If you chose not to float together that is okay too. We have a very comfortable waiting area with refreshments that you can relax while your partner or friend is floating or take advantage of the sauna that has now become available.