Sub Zero

A recording from under the Antarctic ice sheet of crunching ice and seals paired with beautiful and gentle piano.

Wave State

Ambient electric guitar which follows the crashing of gentle waves.

Rain Brain

Hang drum, didgeridoo, and ambient guitars all gently hugged by rain and thunder.

Tree Spirits

Recordings from the Zealandia nature reserve of native birds, coupled with bowed mandolin and 12-stringed acoustic guitar.

Space Cadet

Journey to the stars with abstract synthesizer and tape machines accompanied by electromagnetic resonance of Saturn’s rings as captured by the NASAs’ Voyager probe.

Spirit Vibes

Tibetan singing bowl, bowed vibraphone and distant vocal harmony are combined to create the most atmospheric Float track imaginable.

Full Sound Journey

Full journey from Ice, Ocean, Rain, Forest, Space and Into Spirit. This is our default music for floating.

Michael Sutherland graciously allows us to utilize his work in our float therapy for no charge. If you are moved by the music please consider donating to his work and check out some of his other sound creations.